COVID-19 Response Plan

We at E3 have been planning for and preparing how to reopen in a way that prioritizes the health and safety of our families and staff members. We have implemented certain protocols and procedures to help achieve that. As you may know, E3 will be re-opening on September 1st with the correct protocols in place to optimize a safe, clean, and fun learning environment!

Our E3 teachers are very much looking forward to welcoming students back to our program. Our staff will use their professionalism to create classroom environments which - to the best of their ability and within the limitations that exist - promote maximum safety as outlined in this document. As such, we ask each family to read through what is outlined very carefully and be sure your family understands and considers the limitations that exist.

Key Information

As per the Centers for Disease Control, the key factors in minimizing the risk of infection and community spread of Covid-19 are:

  • Minimize the chance of exposure
  • Promote the use of everyday preventative actions.
  • Protect high-risk populations.

All protocols and procedures listed in this document are a direct result of guidance from the California Department of Public Health, Los Angeles County of Health and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

Students and teacher who show any signs of illness may not attend E3. Examples of symptoms include:

  • A persistant cough
  • Temperature > 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Chills
  • Muscle pain
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Temporary loss of taste or smell
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue

If any member of the household exhibits any of the above symptoms, please refrain from coming to E3 until you have been symptom-free for at least 72 hours. If a student or E3 teacher has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case, they must quarantine at home for 14 days, even with a negative test.

If a student displays any of the above symptoms while in E3, we will isolate them downstairs in the courtyard or in an empty room and call the parents immediately. If a parent cannot be reached within 30 minutes, we will start calling the emergency contacts listed. The child will need to stay home for 72 hours after the symptoms have cleared.

We request that parents take their child’s temperature before leaving home each morning. Should a child’s temperature be 100.4°F or higher, please refrain from bringing them to E3. Children must wear masks upon arrival and for the entire duration of their stay in E3.

Drop-off/arrival procedure are as follows:

  1. Temperature Check
    1. An E3 teacher will take your child’s temperature using a non-touch thermometer. (Temperatures will again be taken in the middle of the day)
  2. Wellness Check
    1. A staff member will check that your child is symptom-free before allowing them inside. (We ask parents who accompany their children to E3 to remain with them until they are cleared following the wellness check.)
  3. Sign In / Out
    1. Parents should bring their own pen to sign-in on the clipboard. We will offer hand sanitizer for those that do not have a pen.
  4. Handwashing
    1. Children will enter the facility and go straight to the bathroom to wash their hands.

If we see a student with any of the above symptoms during our wellness check, we will ask the student to return home for 72 hours after the symptoms have passed. If a staff member or student has a runny nose due to allergies, we will need to have a physician’s note stating that fact.

All parents must wear a face mask for drop-off & pick-up and stay 6 feet away from other parents & children.

Parents will call the site phone, (818) 232-2105, prior to pick-up to inform our E3 teachers of their arrival. One of our E3 teachers will accompany the student to the garage where they will meet their parent/guardian.

If you need to speak to someone in E3, we prefer and recommend a phone call to our site phone, (818) 232-2105, or email Unfortunately, parents are not allowed in our E3 facility in order to minimize any possible cross-contamination. We thank you for understanding.

All staff must wash hands and complete a daily temperature and wellness check with an E3 Site Supervisor before accepting students.

In addition, staff must arrive to E3 wearing a face mask and face shield. Spare disposable masks will be available on-site if required.

Hand sanitizers will be located in each classroom and in each shared space i.e., bathroom. We will utilize hand sanitizers whenever hand washing is not possible.

Classrooms inside our facility will be modified to encourage age-appropriate social distancing.

Physical contact and close physical proximity between and amongst all E3 teachers will be limited. Shaking hands between staff and students is strictly prohibited. Teachers will conduct lessons to the students in their classroom, and as such, will be closer than 6 feet during these times.

We will be utilizing the outdoor courtyard for students to eat a snack and/or lunch.

Face masks will be mandatory for all students.

We require that all children ages 4 and up bring a mask to E3 (one should be left on site as back up). We will encourage students to wear masks throughout the day to the best of their ability. When outdoors the use of face masks and students’ physical activity will be carefully monitored by teachers to minimize the risk of students overheating. We will keep children in the shade and will remove masks if needed when outdoors.

Handwashing will occur at the following times:

  • Upon arrival to E3.
  • Every 45 minutes.
  • After sneezing or blowing nose.
  • Before and after eating.
  • After using the restroom.
  • Hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom if hand washing is not possible.

We will not have communal, “family style” meals at school during this time. We ask that you pack your child’s lunch, morning and afternoon snacks in separate containers. E3 staff will have individually packed snacks on-hand in the case students forget to bring a snack. Please include all cutlery needed for their meal. Students will eat at their table or in the courtyard and pack their containers and cutlery back into their lunchbox after eating.

Please provide a water bottle labeled clearly with your child’s name and filled with only water for your child to take to school. E3 will provide one refillable water bottle to each student enrolled in the program. Students will keep water bottles on their tables or in their cubbies and will be asked not to touch other students’ personal items.

Filtered drinking water is available for students. Refills will be managed by a teacher who will ensure that there is no contact between the student’s water bottle and the drinking water dispenser.

We ask parents to wash their child’s water bottle and lunch boxes thoroughly in warm, soapy water at the end of each day.

Our Sick Child Policy will be as follows:

  • Children will be sent home when a temperature is 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
  • Temperature will be taken upon arrival daily and checked later in the day if warranted.
  • Children with a temperature or other symptoms of coronavirus infection will be isolated from the group until picked up.
  • Parents will be called for pickup immediately.
  • If a parent is not available withing 30 minutes or there is no response from the phone call(s), the emergency contacts on the child’s enrollment form will be contacted for pickup.
  • If sent home children must be fever free (without fever reducing medication) for 72 hours before returning to E3 and when any other symptoms have improved. The minimum time at home will be three days from temperature (i.e. sent home on Monday, return on Friday at the earliest.)
  • E3 reserves the right to send a child home as sick even in the absence of fever and regardless of a note from a physician.
  • Students home with a fever may be required to complete a negative COVID-19 test prior to return to the program.

Before arriving to E3:

  • Anyone who is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or knows that they have COVID-19 or knows that they have COVID-19 should isolate at home.
  • Parents should communicate with the E3 office—using the methods listed below—if one of them or a member of their household tests positive for COVID-19, experiences symptoms of COVID-19, or has close contact* with someone who is positive or symptomatic of COVID-19.
  • CDC currently defines “close contact as someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from 48 hours before illness onset until the time the patient is isolated.

Anyone who is absent due to a positive COVID-19 test shall not be permitted back in E3 until at least 10 days after the positive test result, and other symptom improvement. Longer absence may be warranted and required by a physician.

Anyone who is absent due to close contact with a person who has COVID-19 shall not be permitted back in E3 until 14 days after last exposure. This person should check temperature daily and be observant for any onset of symptoms. They should also stay away from anyone who is at higher risk for getting sick and get tested.

E3 will be responsible for communicating COVID positive results to the health authorities and to possible exposed persons.

In addition to the aforementioned requirements, anyone who is required to quarantine due to a COVID-19 related concern must consult and receive clearance from E3 Administration before being allowed back to the program.

Guidance on testing for students and staff has varied over the past weeks and months. E3 will adhere to our plans and it is subject to change:

  • All staff is required to provide a negative COVID-19 test prior to working.
  • Staff will be referred to their healthcare provider to be tested.
  • No isolation required while waiting for results.
  • Routine student testing not required at this time; if student has close contact or COVID19 symptoms testing will be recommended. (Testing does not shorten required isolation or quarantine period.)
  • Students and parents will be referred to their health care provider or to free testing sites.
  • Student must remain isolated at home while waiting for results.

To improve ventilation an air purifier along with the AC will be running for the entire duration of the program.

Students will be asked to sanitize their hands before and after each material use. Materials will be cleaned and disinfected by a teacher at the end of each day.

A cleaning routine is scheduled after each day and periodically throughout the day. When cleaning, we disinfect the following high-touch objects:

  • Doorknobs and handles
  • Light switches
  • Hand sanitizer pumps
  • Faucets
  • Tables and counters
  • Chairs
  • Cabinets
  • Water dispenser

Cleaning and disinfecting materials will be available in each classroom. Surfaces will be cleaned before they are disinfected. Children will not come into contact with disinfectant products. All cleaning and disinfecting products are kept safe and away from children’s reach.

This document serves as the E3 response plan for COVID-19. E3 will provide employees with pandemic response training prior to the return of students to campus. Additional communications and training will be ongoing as COVID-19 guidelines and requirements change.

Your children’s safety is our highest priority and we truly appreciate the trust that you place in our staff and our company. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to serving your communities again soon.

- Enrichment Educational Experiences